Map to Cemetery

Hopefully, this'll work (this is Jake posting again).

Here's a link to a google map of location of the cemetary where we're holding the funeral. Please don't feel obligated, if you can't make it. It's just a lot easier to post directions here than to explain a million times. You'll see why in a second.

If you click on 'Oak Mound Cemetary' (cemetAry? cemetEry? how do you spell that?), one of the options it gives you is 'driving directions to here'. Click on that, and put in your address or hometown.

Decatur folks, it should take you down 121 a short ways and then through Shelbyville and Cowden.

And to really shake things up, here's the same map, in this very web page (if this works, I'll be stunned):

View Larger Map

To clarify, it's just off Oak Mound Lane, outside Xenia, IL. If none of the above work for you, do a search for "Oak Mound Lane, Xenia IL." The road marked 500N is Oak Mound Lane. The graveyard is just south on the road marked CR-400E. If you come on Oak Mound Lane from the east (south from Effingham on 45, to Hwy 50), it'll be the 2nd intersection after you turn onto 50. If you come from the west, it's the first left after the big S curve.

They finally paved it all, so you don't have to worry about that.


Carol said...

I love you all - and I know that Jeff will be happy to take care of Norah until you get there. He loves babies.

Brooke said...


Brooke said...

Norah Rose is such a beautiful name. We wish we could be there today, but know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Please know that you can call anytime.
Brooke Kees