Grief Counseling and Krogering

Last night we went to our first grief counseling session. We did not know this counselor previously, Jake set it up through his work. It turns that the lady we saw had an experience similar to ours, so she could relate. Which I thought at first might be nice, but she ended up being emotional along with us and said that she still wasn't "over" the fact that she couldn't have more than one child (even though it had been thirty years). Hmmmmm...not what I really wanted to hear at my counseling appointment. Maybe she was just being realistic, but it didn't make me feel very hopeful! But she did give us a little bit of helpful advice about dealing with grief on a daily basis and said that I wasn't showing any signs of postpartum or clinical depression.

Taking my counselor's adivce of staying busy, I ran to Krogers today because even in my current state of saddness I still have trouble passing up a Mega 10 deal at my favorite store for getting grocery bargains. I did my shopping, got my 10 items and didn't have a nervous breakdown of any sort, even when I passed the baby food. The real therapy came when I was picking up some pretzels and "Manic Monday" by the Bangles, one of my favorite 80's songs, came on.

Try this out, maybe it will make your day too(beware, if you're not familar with this song that there is a not very nice part in it that I probably didn't understand back in the fifth grade...)!


Holly said...

Manic Monday has ALWAYS been a favorite 80s tune of mine too!!!!!! And I still don't know the words to the bridge. Something about of all nights, why did my lover....blah blah doesn't matter....blah blah blah.